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Notice of Public Hearing

July 3 2024


On the date and time shown below. a PUBLIC HEARING will be held to receive representations from any persons who wish to make them in respect to the following matter: 

The RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF LAKESHORE for variance from setbacks in the SR zone outlined in Section 3.6 of the Special Dimension Standards.

Hearing Location:                      206 Mackenzie Ave, Ochre River, MB

Date & Time:                              July 17/2024  at 5:10 PM

General Intent of Variance:       Vary from 25 ft front yard setback to 7 feet and side

                                                     yard set back from 5 feet to 3 feet

Area Affected:                             SE 04-25-17/ Lot 21/ Plan 1133


For information contact:

Michael J.R. Besser

Chief Administrative Officer

Rural Municipality of Lakeshore


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